When You Direct Your Frequency, You Direct Creation.


 Your frequency is an organizing framework for how you move through the world  and how the world moves through you. 


When you intentionally calibrate to the Miracle Frequency, it begins to carry you. To hold you. To breathe you.


The Miracle Frequency is not about manifestation. It is about inhabiting a specific field of creation where you are met even before you intend. 


A space of Grace. 


You no longer have to ask in order to receive, try in order to achieve, or give in order to get. 


It is given.


It is done before you even know it is doing.


It is already woven


These golden Miracle Frequency key codes are latent in your DNA -- in every fiber of your being.


Just waiting for you to remember and reclaim what has always been yours.  


Let us activate them together.


It is time. 






You are a Miracle in Motion.


And yet, when it comes to tending to your energy, you are doing a lot of efforting. 

Yoga. Meditation. Ceremonies. Cleanses. Breathwork. Body work. Movement Medicine. Plant Journeys. Ancestral Healing. Earthing. Shadow Work. Chanting.  Cacao. 

The truth? Between the gong baths and the ice baths you can barely find space to fit in a plain old bath bath.  Nevermind if you have children, aging parents, or a full client load... it's all too much to juggle.


 Here’s the thing lovely...

At some level you are still seeking validation and behaving “good” to earn, deserve, or even manipulate the Universe into giving you what you want.

Part of you is afraid of what may happen to your vibration and manifestations if you hit the pause button and take a nap.    

Through your practices you’ve gotten glimpses of The Miracle Frequency.

And whew, she is fire. 

More of that effortless flow please! And so you try to “get in the flow” more to attract more. 

Well, it’s time to stop trying to be "in the flow."


You are the Flow, the Living Miracle. 


When you really *get* this and embody it, everything changes.

Because you didn’t come here on a soul mission to focus your attention on meticulously tending to your energy 24/7.

You came here to walk as a living miracle and build a new earth, while enjoying life in the process.  You’ve been doing this for lifetimes - it gets to be more effortless and fun!

And when things get challenging, as they do, you get to be carried.

Yes, carried. 


"I shifted my mindset around miracles"

"The 5 Day miracle immersion really made me think and shift my mindset around miracles. Catarina made miracles feel tangible by sharing about her own life experiences and encouraging us to remember and recognize our own."


"Loving the Miracle Frequency."

"Oh my goodness.  LOVING the Miracle Frequency and the recordings for the sessions I couldn't join live."

Fateh Prem

"Now I'm celebrating miracles every day."

"Catarina is very connected to the work and has a way of making this as natural and easy as breathing! I experienced a heightened sense of being a channel of miracles with ease. Now I’m celebrating miracles every day!"





May 27th - May 31st 

The Miracle Frequency Immersion will accelerate your embodiment as a living, breathing, Miracle in Motion. 

You will:

  • Open the portal of your heart and build your relationship with The Miracle Frequency, your Miracle Council, and Allies
  • Uncover your unique Miracle Tuning Fork to anchor this frequency without "blowing out" from the high velocity energy or yo-yo-ing in and out of alignment
  • Clear blocks and receive activations to amplify your resonance with The Miracle Frequency so you can allow yourself to be fully held and supported by her 

You will learn how to connect with The Miracle Frequency, embody her, and let her carry you.  When you stop doing the heavy lifting in your life, legacy business, and spiritual practice you create space for effortless creation, next-level leadership, and infinite receiving.

DAY 1 | Remembrance

Mission: Open the portal of your heart, meet your Miracle Council, and connect with The Miracle Frequency through sound and movement.

Miracle Council: Divine Mother & Circle of Ancestors

Allies: White Rose, Golden Thread

DAY 2 | Resonance

Mission: Journey into the Akashic Records to clear the primary block keeping you from right resonance with the crystalline field of the Miracle Frequency.  

Miracle Council: Archangel Metatron, Saint Germain 

Allies: Orange Rose, Diamond White Light, Violet Flame

DAY 3 | Radiance

Mission: Revitalize your auric field, release your tendency to dim around others, and allow your desires to be met seamlessly, the Bliss & Bling Way.  

Miracle Council: Elementals, Lyrans, Isis

Allies: Yellow Rose, Golden Chalice

DAY 4 | Resilience

Mission: Expand your heart and nervous system's capacity to hold adversity, intensity, and pure creator power without energetic blowouts, contraction, or erecting glass ceilings

Miracle Council: Mary Magdalene, Sisterhood of the Rose

Allies: Red Rose, Dragons

DAY 5 | Reverence

Mission: Uncover you unique Miracle Tuning Fork and use it as a tool to integrate and anchor in The Miracle Frequency as your new normal.

Miracle Council: Sophia,  Holy Spirit & Seraphim

Allies: Pink Rose, White Dove


For those who desire more personalized support to focalize The Miracle Frequency, there is the option to upgrade the Immersion experience to include a private session and Miracle KeyCode channeled just for you. 

Miracle Council:  Arcturians, Pleiadians & Water Dragons 

Allies: Crystal lake, Lemurian Quartz, Andara


Click here to Join

What participants have to say...




This Immersion is not for you if you want to be convinced that miracles are a thing. This Immersion is for you because you know that miracles are a thing.

You've danced with The Miracle Frequency and in her presence you felt so held, loved and cared for. So magnetic and confident. So creative and inspired.

It was magic. You flowed through the world almost effortlessly, your desires met even before you knew that they were there. 

And then you started feeling guilty, unworthy, greedy or "too much" so you closed off, dimmed down, and tapped out. You began to yo-yo in and out.

You're here because you no longer just want glimpses of her presence in you life. You want to inhabit her field more often and more easefully.

This Immersion will help you dissolve the barriers in your heart keeping you from accessing The Miracle Frequency on tap and stepping into your next-level creator power.

When daily miracles become your new normal, you can embody your infinite potential and serve your soul purpose with royal courage, full trust, and an open heart.  

Regardless of what is happening in the world around you, and in full service to it.

If you feel like what you're manifesting is just the tip of the iceberg of what is possible for you, then The Miracle Frequency Immersion is for you. 


Ready to make it rain miracles? 

Choose your pathway and join today:



  • 5 x 1 hour long, live virtual immersion sessions
  • Access to the 5 day Immersion recordings for 1 month
  • The Miracle Frequency Anthem (downloadable audio track)
  • Curated 528 Hz Miracle Frequency Playlist
  • App for on-the-go access and interacting with The Miracle Frequency Immersion community 

IMMERSION + Miracle KeyCode Upgrade


(only 8 available)

  • 5 x 1 hour long, live virtual immersion sessions
  • Access to 5 day Immersion recordings for 1 month
  • The Miracle Frequency Anthem (downloadable audio track)
  • Curated 528 Hz Miracle Frequency Playlist = 
  • App for on-the-go access and interacting with The Miracle Frequency Immersion community
  • 1hr private 1:1 session to focalize the frequency in a specific area (health, wealth, relationship) of your life and receive a light language activation and energetic support
  • A personalized Miracle KeyCode channeled just for you (hand-drawn and shared digitally, with the original sent to you)



You've reached a place where you've outgrown your old toolbox. 

You know there's got to be a more efficient technology to anchor light and co-create with the cosmos.  

Like waving a wand or snapping things into existence à la Bewitched (or those TikTok videos).  POOF, it's done.

Because, honestly, if you have to journal your intentions one more time by the dark light of the new moon you might just pull your hair out. 

And waking up daily at 5am to fit in an hour of sadhana before your toddler wakes up is just a full body no. 

You came here with a big soul mission and you know you've got some major things to attend to besides tending to your energy 24/7 so you can woo The Miracle Frequency into your life. 

What if The Miracle Frequency became your baseline and everything else was a bonus?

What would become possible then?  



"I love our energetics sessions. They help me move into the flow and my divine and self-led energy so needed for expanding and doing big things. I really appreciate how Catarina can tap into what's needed in her very large toolkit. It feels aligned, inspired, and so joyful!" 


"With her help, my long-term vision of what I wanted to be doing and how much I wanted to be earning came into being a lot sooner than I anticipated – it’s like everything accelerated, amplified and we jumped timelines!" 


They call me the Queen of Miracles. I am a legacy mentor, amplifier and Frequency Keeper who has been working with visionary leaders and CEOs for over 15 years.  

I vibrate the cosmos and I'm supremely grounded. I channel light codes and I'm a catalyst for deep belly laughs. I love depth and playfulness in equal measure. I love mentoring leaders on miracles and on management.  I am heart-open blissed out one second and heartbroken over the injustices of the world the next.  I hold the all as Love, embodied.  

I believe in the importance of Heartwork - the work of opening our heart - because it is the hardest work and the most needed.  I believe what the world needs most right now is open-hearted leaders building legacies and making a massive impact as Love in action, while being wildly compensated.

Over the years my clients have experienced the most amazing miracles when they least expected them - including manifesting homes, 7 figure businesses, partners, travel, philanthropic donations, boats, high-level business connections, meetings with Heads of State, miracle babies and more. I cannot wait to hear about your miracles - big and small - and celebrate with you.



Ready to become a living, breathing, Miracle in Motion?